Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The Push Present

If you are like me than the idea of a push present probably makes you lose all faith in humanity. What is a push present you ask? A push present is a gift given to a pregnant woman for enduring the roller coaster ride her body went through for nine months.

I am all for complimenting a women for giving birth because I know no man could do it and would not sign up for it if they were given a $1,000,000,000. For those who are not math wiz's that's a billion dollars. After watching the labor scene during "Knocked Up" I think, forget that I know it is one of the most difficult things to do. But I thought having a child was a gift in itself. Why should a woman be rewarded for something she wanted in the first place? That's like me getting a Christmas gift and wondering aloud where are my birthday presents?

If a woman can ask for a present then I should get one as well. A helicopter sounds nice or even an all expenses paid trip to Vegas. Let's be real here, the second that kid makes its way into the world sex will be non existent and waking up at all hours of the night will be commonplace.

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