Tuesday, February 14, 2012

You Can't Party when You're 50


 After reading the title you were probably thinking "you silly fool, I will party when I'm 60 thank you very much." I understand that and don't care if you party until 100 but for the sake of this post it works. There are extreme cases when this title comes into play.

Once upon a time I had a roommate named Roger. Don't worry he will never read this and  the very few if any who read this don't know him. Roger was a studious fellow who liked to study and study and study and you get the point. His idea of a good time was singing in the shower, I kid you not. I tried to get him to get out and have a good time by asking him to go to parties, see a movie, take in a sporting event or just go try and pick up girls we had no business talking to. I even offered to pay for any expenses that came about just so he would not have to worry about it. But each and every single time his response was flat out no.

There would be mornings in which I would wake up at 7am for a 7:35am class, if I ever woke up at all. There would be Roger studying with his little lamp next to stack of books leaning over about to fall. His eyes bloodshot red as if he had been smoking weed all day but I knew that was not the case.

I'm not saying that girls should blackout from drinking and wake up covered in piss and booze and God knows what else. I'm not saying guys should have sex with so many women that doctors what to name STDs after you. No I'm saying sprinkle in some fun in between work, school and whatever it is that you do that does not excite you. Because in extreme cases you don't want to end up like Roger trying to party when you're 50.

1 comment:

  1. What if studying was his way of having fun?- don't get me wrong, as I would not find it being fun, but there are some weird things out there that people find 'fun'. However, there is never a fine line on how much you 'should' study or party - one always ends up intruding in the others space. So, I think there will always be people that will regret not partying and 'party when they are 50' - or regret partying too much and wish they focused on studying. I know the latter crosses my mind all the time!
