Saturday, August 20, 2011

Why Wear Sunglasses Indoors?

One of my biggest pet peeves are people who wear shades/sunglasses inside. I have no idea why people wear shades when they are indoors. I understand if you just walked into a store or someplace where you won't be hanging out for much long that's cool.

But then there are these clowns that decide wearing them inside a club makes you look cool. No buddy it makes you look Stevie Wonder trying to dance and head bob to the music. Athletes wear them at a press conferences for no reason at all. I have been to press conferences but never had to sit at the podium but I will assume the lights are not as bright as you may think. What really put this over the top for me was yesterday while watching an interview with Jason Momoa, the actor who plays Conan the Barbarian.  During the interview which takes place indoors he decideds it time to look super cool and throw on the raybans. What Are You Hiding?

There should be a rule no shades indoors unless the lights are UV rays. Leave the shades for the sun and let us see your face. Unless when you really need them for hiding a black eye, getting over a hangover and most importantly trying to hide an ugly face because lets be serious anything to cover that mug will be greatly appreciated.

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